Desert in Bloom

March 25, 2013


Standing on the banks of Jojoba Wash at Tanque Verde Ranch is always a breathtaking sight when looking over the Saguaro Desert this time of year. While the cacti are riddled across the base of the Rincon Mountains—spring is coming and the desert is entering bloom.

Visiting Tucson in the spring is a sight to the true beauty of the desert while flowers begin their annual appearance. Hiking adjacent of the ranch’s property, Fairy Dusters will showcase their pink and white powder puffs, while the Daela and Indigo Bush try to hide their small blue flowers by a nearby Brittle Bush, that will soon also burst open with a burning yellow. Even the hummingbirds will begin their pass through on their ambitious migration to the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia and Alaska stopping through the Ranch to feed on Blue Dicks and Tackstem.

Cacti, true to their schedules, wait for the right moment to produce their flowers. You will see Hedgehog Cactus start the parade in late March with their magenta blossoms. Mountain biking excursion during late April will showcase the Saguaro’s first blossoms, but will soon peak in late May to early June. Members of the Opuntia, the Prickly Pear and the Cholla, add their flowers to the show just before the Saguaro in April and May.  While the petit Pincushion will be the last to make its fashionably, late appearance in June.

While words cannot describe the true beauty of the desert in bloom, it’s a perfect time to visit the Ranch and experience it for yourself. In celebration of another beautiful spring, we will be offering a special package just for just for you outdoor enthusiasts March 1-19 and April 8-17 — Desert in Bloom. The package will start at $329 per two people and includes two nights lodging, breakfast and dinner daily, private hike-planning session with our experienced hiking staff, along with scheduled guided hiking excursions in the Saguaro National Park. In addition, guests will have access to all other schedule hiking and nature activities, along with one sunset horseback ride per person and a special discounted rate on the schedule mountain biking activities.

Spring is the time to discover the joy and beauty of the Sonoran Desert. For more information on other packages available this spring, please call 1-800- 234 -3833 or visit our website. Click here to view the exciting activities offered this spring.